Feb 8, 2014

8 Dangerous Animals For Travelers

1 . The great white shark in New South Wales , Australia

New South Wales is known as one of the world's waters are inhabited by a population of great white shark ever . Ironically , this shark is also a local attraction that is used to attract tourists . New South Wales known as the " City of the Shark " . Since 1876 until 2008 , there were 148 incidents involving these vicious animals . Most of these attacks involve a giant white shark and be fatal , which is death . Most tourists who were attacked divers and surfers who swim too far from shore safety line . Therefore , tourists are asked not to swim alone in the waters of New South Wales .

2 . Bengal Tiger in the Sundarbans , Bangladesh

Bangladesh is in South Asia , bordered by India . Most of the coastline consists of swampy forest called the Sundarbans . It is the largest mangrove forest in the world and home to diverse flora and fauna , including the Bengal tiger . Bengal Tiger is an endangered species , which turned out to also threaten the safety of human existence when disturbed . At least 150 deaths occurred due to the tiger attack .

These attacks generally occur on unsuspecting tourists while exploring the Sundarbans . Tigers usually attack humans if found entry into its territory , or if they do not get food in the forest . When you meet a tiger in the forest , do not immediately run , because it will spur the animal instinct to chase . When the tiger managed to corner you , priority to protect the neck , and vulnerable to attack the weakest part of this beast .

3 . Vampire bats in Venezuela

Types of tours are offered by Venezuelan coast tour . However it turns out , , wild animals that can threaten when pleasure travelers in this country is not a water animal , but animals can terbang.Sejak , 1932, there were at least 132 human deaths caused by the bite of the vampire bat , the type of bats carry the rabies virus. This bat berhabitat throughout Central and South America , and is most prevalent in Venezuela . This animal is often called the silent killer , because often when they bite and suck the blood of victims , nobody noticed .

The incidence of vampire bat attacks are most severe in 2008 . A total of 38 members of the Warao Indians in Venezuela remote village died from rabies virus carried by bats . Not only that , the researchers , and tourists were there who were killed . The local government urged tourists who come to Venezuela to be extra careful with these nocturnal animals . When staying outdoors , are required to always put up nets or mosquito nets so that bats can not enter .

4. Polar bears , Russia

Because of its location in the northern hemisphere , the territorial waters of Russia are generally covered with ice with some ice-free sea , the Barents Sea , White Sea , Kara Sea , Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea which is part of the Arctic or North Pole. Also , Bering Sea , Sea of ​​Okhotsk , and the Sea of ​​Japan which is part of the Pacific Ocean . The climate in Russia is the Tundra region , which is very cool . fauna - unik.blogspot.com

Due to the cold climate , one of the fauna that are found in Russia is the polar bear . According to records , Russia is the site of a polar bear attack in the world . It turns out that even looks cute , polar bears are very vicious animals . When hungry and see people going into the area , the animals will be aggressive and attack instantly . Experts advise tourists to make a lot of noise to dispel these animals . If not successful , just lying on the ground and pretended to be dead , the bear will undoubtedly leave you .

5 . Box jellyfish , the Northern Territory and Queensland , Australia

In the east , Queensland is bordered by the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean . Both Australian state is known for its water attractions . With the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean , making the waters in these two regions rich in marine species of interest . However , every year between October and April , thousands of box jellyfish inhabit the northern shores of Australia. The jellyfish is one of the most venomous animals in the world , and be the cause of at least 70 deaths since 1883. Usually highly toxic , even the sting swimmers affected will experience heart failure even before they made ​​it to shore .

6 . Mountain lions , California

California has a beautiful natural feature vast central valley , high mountains , hot deserts , and hundreds of miles of beautiful coastline . Beautiful beaches frequented by tourists from around the world . However , be careful when visiting the mountains of California . In the mountainous region that partially covered with forests , living in one of the world's most vicious animal , the mountain lion .

The existence of mountain lions in California more dangerous , especially because the human population is increasing and pushing back the number of these animals . At least in the last two decades , there are 40 mountain lion attacks in California , six of them fatal . To avoid mountain lion attacks , you should avoid cycling or walking alone in the mountainous area of ​​California . Just like the face of a tiger , do not immediately run away at the sight of these animals .

7 . Piranha , fierce ruler of the Amazon River fish

The Amazon River is a river in South America which is the second longest river in the world . Amazon also has the largest peraliran system of the entire river system . Despite becoming the longest river Nile , the Amazon could be considered " the strongest " (judging from the amount of water flowing per second ) . These rivers flow through the Amazon Rain Forest around him . In this forest , it is estimated that up to one third of all species in the world . This makes it the richest rain forests in the world , when viewed from the diversity of the species . Amazon River , such as the forest also has many wild species .

Dangerous animals that live in the river , such as crocodile , anaconda and piranha fish . In this world there are an estimated 40 species of piranha , red belly piranha but which are found in the Amazon River is the most dangerous . Piranha fish is small, but highly malignant . These fish can spend a cow to the bone in two minutes.

Therefore , travelers are exploring the Amazon River are asked not to swim or enter the water , if not to be attacked this ferocious fish . Piranha fish generally appear much in the Amazon during the dry season . We explore this river , travelers should remain silent and calm , and legs are strictly forbidden to enter into the water . These fish usually affects the feet first.

8 . Hippos in Africa

The African continent has a well-known savanna areas are the habitat of wild animals, such as lions, giraffes, elephants , zebras , and many more . The diversity of these wild animals make Africa as a tourist destination safari . Interact with wild animals while on safari in Africa is exciting , but also a danger . And it turns out , terbuas animals in Africa is not a lion , but a hippopotamus . Hippopotamus is often regarded as terbuas animals in the Black Continent . Large and powerful jaws capable of paralyzing prey in a short time . Hippos are often attacked when separated from her babies . When viewing the lives of hippos up close , try to remain calm . These animals have poor eyesight , because it's easy to panic and attack .

8 Dangerous Animals For Travelers Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tes

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